Monday, May 7, 2012

Little bear has a Spring in his step

Little bear took off on a walk today and every step was a step into wonder. Let's just say, Spring is in full swing here... and little bear has a very wide-eyed look! There are green plants all over the ground... and not just grasses... other green things...
The trees have green leaves bursting forth and little bear wants to check all of them out...
Some of the trees even have dangling catkins which would make great earrings (for a little bear)...
Little bear might start a new fashion trend... although he is beginning to wonder why so many things have "cat" names... pussy-willows... cat-kins... hmmm... it might be a feline conspiracy! Putting that aside, little bear runs to yet another tree to check out the state of the leaves...
They are all so different and as little bear leaves this tree to run to another, he stops dead in his tracks, squeaks in dismay and does a drop and flop and roll! Ahhh....
What the heck is he doing?? Muffled cries of "get them off" lead to a closer inspection... what are those things on his jacket??
Ah... little bear has been attacked by three teeny-tiny ants... and he now knows what the old proverb "ants in the pants" refers to! Poor little bear! Where the heck did he pick up these hitchhikers?
After getting de-anted... little bear tentatively retraces his steps and inspects that last tree with a more discerning eye. It is crawling in ants!
Little bear has learned that spring not only brings out the green plants... it brings out the creepy crawly things as well! He's going to have to learn to look before he leaps!

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